There are six days left of high school and I'm sitting in the school library typing my fingers off. The feeling of no motivation to finish, but the feeling of moving on in the world has finally kicked in and I’m trying my best to remain calm. I recently became signed to Meals From the Heartland, started my own campaign, and am becoming certified in Hootsuite (social media posting tool) and social media. I’m currently balancing school work, my job at my local Jimmy John’s, this internship, and the emotion of it all. I’ve taken the test twice and scored lower the second time. I’m trying my best to create posts for MFtH. I’m trying my best to pass government class in order to graduate...I still need to fill out my FAFSA. Wait, my FAFSA! I knew I’m forgetting to do something in these busy weeks.
I planned on going to college originally, and then I wanted to see how far I could go without college from this internship. Turns out, I have to go to college for other reasons, but this just means I can further my education with my career in social media. But here’s another “I’m trying”- I’m trying not to freak out over the fact that now I could drown in student debt. This is it. This is adult life. I’ve officially reached the top of the hill before it all goes down.
As I figure out this college dilema, I realize that I can choose to go to community college first and it won’t be as expensive! I’m moving to California, and depending on which community college I chose, it shouldn’t be more than $6,000, not even $3,000! He’s a pro tip: if you want to save a bit of money, choose community college first. You can get your general education out of the way, and once you move to a four-year college, then you can focus on what your major is and not balance any more classes than you already are.