I think my life might actually be starting. What was once a setback is now a comeback. I'm leaving Subway because my job isn't cutting it. The only thing that is getting cut are my hours. I was told three times in two days by the same people to work for dispatch for the officers here. I stayed at Subway, but who knew the just volunteering would get me places.
I began volunteering at my mom's work not too long ago. I helped out in the food pantry and any other things people needed help with. Not only do her coworkers like me, but eventually a spot opened up in the pantry for me to have. The job isn't official for me yet, but if I'm approved then I can start soon! As far as pay goes, I'm not quite sure, but at least I'll have hours. On top of that, since my hours at Subway were cut, I can apply for unemployment and have that source of money as well. That $700 check going to $200 is killer. Who knows..maybe I can eventually run the social media for her work. However, this is one step closer to an adult job and as nervous as I am, I'm excited for what's to come.