Do you remember 3 posts ago when I said I'd go to community college first because it would be cheaper? Now, I know that this blog is me walking you through my life with school and adulthood, and I'd give advice on staying out of debt, but so far I'm not taking my own advice. If you want the full truth, I'm not good at taking my own advice. I do have an idea set in mind. In my finances, I already owe $2,462, but I'm allowed to make payments whenever through the school website. I like to think of this as paying off a credit card. If you pay off a little bit of it every week or every work paycheck, eventually you'll be done paying it off and you'll have good credit. So, in this case, I want to start making payments so that way it doesn't build up overtime. Now, excuse me while I go make a payment! I'll update you guys on how this idea goes!
